I really love this network of people that are committed to each other through this website and blogging.
For a few weeks now I've been in a position to post again. Every few days I would log in and start my "Welcome Back" message. I tried so many different ways of describing what's happened the past few months, including the truth, some lies, but mostly a mottled mix of emotion and memory. But none of that felt right...
Only a few people read my blog (Probably none now, due to my hiatus!), and of those few most are currently *encouraging* themselves in ana/mia. A few, on the other hand, are recovering. Most are female, but some are male. Most come from broken backgrounds, but some have just broken themselves.
It seems to me that the common denominator between everyone involved here is that we keep blogs to share some version of truth. It doesn't matter who we share it with- Even if no one ever read this blog I would still write in it. The point is that I have a place to share my thoughts, feelings, struggles, triumphs... Life.
I would hope that the same comfort in writing is found in the many blogs with similar subject matter.
So basically:
If you missed me, I'm sorry. If something great or terrible has occurred in your life, I'll try to catch up on it.
Other than that, I'm back in the blogging game.
Happily Ana, just as always. <3
Oh yeah, and did I mention:
I really love this network of people that are committed to each other through this website and blogging.